Seal of Dane County County of Dane
Dane County Clerk of Courts

Veterans Treatment Court

A voluntary diversion program in which a team of multi-disciplinary professionals from the criminal justice system and veterans services system work with veterans to address substance misuse and/or mental health symptoms, as well as corollary challenges such as homelessness and unemployment. An individualized treatment plan is developed for each veteran that includes frequent substance testings and treatment appointments at the VA hospital.  Veterans proceed through five ranks to graduate from the program.  The veterans’ progress is supervised by the VTC Judge at bi-weekly Judicial Reviews.

Mentors are a key element of VTC.  Each veteran is assigned a volunteer mentor who is also a veteran in the community.  The mentor maintains contact with their veteran participant to provide encouragement, support and advice. 

Who is eligible to participate?

Any veteran of the U.S. military, regardless of branch or discharge status, who:

  • currently is being prosecuted for criminal conduct (or revoked from DOC supervision)
  • is eligible for veterans health care benefits
  • resides in Dane County or in an adjoining county that does not have a veterans treatment court
  • is able to attend the groups, counseling sessions, meetings and screenings that are required multiple times per week at the VA hospital in Madison
  • is able to attend the bi-weekly Judicial Reviews before the VTC Judge
  • signs a contract agreeing to the goals, rules and requirements of VTC
  • has worked out an agreement between the prosecution (or DOC) and defense that incorporates VTC and specifies the disposition upon successful graduation (e.g., dismissal of charges, reduction of charges, lesser sentence) or unsuccessful termination (e.g., no reduction or dismissal of charges, specific or argued sentence)

How does a veteran enter the program?

A veteran can apply to VTC by completing and filing an application.  Applications can be obtained from the VTC Clerk (215 S. Hamilton, courtroom 5A; 608-267-8802) and the below link.

VTC is a limited enrollment program.  So, not everyone who is interested in, and eligible for, the program can participate.  But, the only way to know if you can participate is to apply.


In the near future, when you are stable, healthy and proud,

you will look back on this period of your life

and be so glad that you never gave up.